10 Scientific Facts to A Slimmer You

Get the body you want with these 10 diet facts and research discoveries.

4. Add gym-free cardio workouts to your exercise regime

You don't have to go to a gym for your cardio workout -- housework, walking, using the overhead bridge instead of jay-walking -- all these count as moderate cardio activities and help burn fat.

5. Forget about strange, fad diets

Fad diets almost always overemphasize on a particular type of food, and include an impossible list of "good food" and "bad food" you must rigidly adhere to for rapid weight loss. But this sort of selective eating is nutritionally imbalanced and unhealthy. If you can't imagine yourself eating that way for the rest of your life, don't even waste your time or health on it.

6. Say no to empty calories

Avoid junk food such as candy bars, chips, alcohol and fizzy sodas. These are high in calories but zero in nutritional value. If you are hungry, eat a proper but smaller-portion meal like sandwiches or salads instead.

7. Get a body-shaping product

Buy a body-shaping cream and slather on, especially during PMS, to beat water retention - a carefully maintained figure helps make you stay motivated psychologically so slipping is less likely.

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