Labour is the repetitive contractions of the uterus that gradually open the cervix and allow the delivery of your baby, placenta and membranes. While every labour is different, knowing what to expect during each stage of childbirth can help ease your anxiety about the birthing process. Learn more about the 3 stages of labour: dilation of the cervix, delivery of the baby and expulsion of the placenta.
Labour 1st Stage: Dilation of Cervix
During the initial dilating of the cervix, your contractions are very light and come approximiately every 20 minutes. Because most women will still feel comfortable during this early stage of dilation, you are encouraged to go about your normal routine and take as much rest as possible.
When your contractions gradually become longer, stronger and closer together, and you start experiencing painful contractions that are about 4 to 5 minutes apart and last up to 60 seconds, you are now in the active phase of labour.
As the cervix shortens and stretches, a curved passage is formed with the vagina, allowing your baby to be delivered. The onset of labour to the full dilation of the cervix can take between 10 to 14 hours in the first pregnancy, but are usually shorter for future pregnancies. When fully dilated, the cervix measures 10cm in diameter.
As your baby is pushed further into the pelvis, it exerts pressure on the bladder and the back passage. When the cervix is fully drawn up there is an overwhelming urge to push. Your water will break at this time, if it hasn't already done so.