Smoking Cessation: Quitting Tips

Quit-smoking tips to help you kick the addiction and stay smoke-free.
  • Start a smoker's journal. Recording your smoking habits in a smoker's journal or log book helps you keep track of how much, where, when and why you smoke, so you can identify your smoking triggers and better strategize your quit-smoking plan.

  • Get support from friends and family. Tell relatives, friends and coworkers that yuo're quitting. Support from your loved ones will be especially helpful during the first few weeks of quitting. If any of them smoke, see if they want to quit with you, and if not, make it clear to them not to smoke around you.

  • Throw away all remaining smoking products. Remove cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters and matches from your home, workplace and car.

  • Check out cessation aids. Talk to your doctor about ways to help you quit. There are many approaches from counseling, support groups to medications.

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