Meal Ideas To Lower Cholesterol
What changes can I make to our family meals to help my husband lower his cholesterol?
You're smart to take a closer look at your family meals, because the majority of people can actually improve their cholesterol with lifestyle changes alone. In fact, studies show you can slash your bad cholesterol by as much as 20 percent with a healthy diet makeover. The best way to lower cholesterol is to set attainable goals one at a time and introduce changes gradually.
For breakfast, swap toasts and bacons for heart-healthy oatmeal -- one of the best cholesterol-lowering superfoods out there. Bonus: It's also very easy to prepare, just add milk, a handful of berries or nuts to add a natural sweetness and you have a healthy breakfast for the entire family.
For lunch and dinner, aim to incorporate three vegetables into each dinner. People usually don't eat enough produce, so it's a good place to start. Once this becomes a habit, trade simple carbohydrates -- white foods such as pasta, rice and white bread -- for fiber-rich 100 percent whole-wheat pasta and bread and brown rice.
Prepare fish dishes twice a week in place of meat entrees. And keep in mind that you don't need to cut out all fat -- simply limit the type found in foods like red meat and fried eats.
How you prepare your meals makes a lot of difference, too. Go for healthy cooking methods such as steaming, baking, grilling and broiling as opposed to sautéing and deep-frying. Also, go easy on the butter, trans-fat margarine, cheese and sour cream, and try adding flavor to your dishes with spices such as pepper, basil and garlic instead.
Remember, not all fats and cholesterols are bad. Omega-3 fats found in fish like salmon, olive oil, nuts and avocados, for instance, actually raise "good" HDL cholesterol while reducing "bad" LDL levels.