Broccoli is well-known as a cancer-fighting superfood -- and as little as three to five servings of broccoli a week provide a protective benefit, say nutrition experts. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of overcooking their broccoli and those healthful properties are cooked right out of it.
To ensure you reap the maximum health benefits of fresh broccoli, steam it lightly for two to four minutes until crisp-tender.
You can further boost broccoli's cancer-fighting power by teaming it with a spicy food that contains the enzyme myrosinase, suggests a new University of Illinois study. "To get this effect, spice up your broccoli with broccoli sprouts, mustard, horseradish, or wasabi. The spicier, the better; that means it's being effective," says co-author Elizabeth Jeffery.
Other foods that will boost broccoli's benefits if they are eaten together include radishes, cabbage, arugula, watercress and Brussels sprouts.