Self-conscious about baring your hideously cracked feet at your friend's? You are not alone. Cracked heels, also referred to as heel fissures, are a common foot problem that can affect anyone. Cracks are probably dreadful enough, but when the soles and heels become discolored with thick callus, the situation can be unsightly. Unfortunately, most people ignore cracked feet until it's too late.

Cracked heels are usually caused by dry skin (xerosis), and made more complicated if the skin around the rim of the heel is thickened with callus.
For most people this is more of a cosmetic problem but in severe cases where the fissures are deep, they are painful to stand on and the skin can bleed and become prone to infection. If cracked heels become infected, treat with a topical, over-the-counter antibiotic or see a doctor.